3er. Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Brasileña de Fenomenología / 3o. Simpósio Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Fenomenologia / 3rd International Symposium of the Brazilian Society for Phenomenology / 3ème Symposium International de la Société Brésilienne de Phénoménologie / III. Internationales Symposium der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie
5 - 9 junio, 2006
Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil (P U C R S)
2nd International Colloquium of the Brazilian Levinas
Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of
Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995)
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Death of
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)
Key Note Speakers:
Bernhard Waldenfels (Bochum)
John Caputo (Syracuse)
Marlène Zarader (Montpellier)
Ephraim Meir (Bar Ilan)
Martin Beck Matustik (Praga)
Patricia Huntington (Chicago)
Philippe Capelle (Paris)
Jean Greisch (Paris)
Roberto Walton (Buenos Aires)
Zeljko Loparic (Porto Alegre)
Ernildo Stein (Porto Alegre)
Alcira Bonilla (Buenos Aires)
Carlos Gutierrez (Bogotá)
João Villa Chã (Braga)
Organizing Committee:
Nythamar de Oliveira, Chair
Ricardo Timm de Souza
Draiton Gonzaga de Souza
Pergentino Pivatto
Robson R. Reis
Evaldo Kuiava
Scientific Committee:
Zeljko Loparic
Ernildo J. Stein
Jairo J. da Silva
Claudia Drucker
André Duarte
Websites of the Symposium:
Call for Papers
Requirements for the Submission of Papers
1. The Organizing and Scientific Committees will select submitted papers according to the following criteria: relevance to an appropriate area of phenomenology and hermeneutics; relevance to the general theme of the Symposium; academic worth of the contributed paper, taking into account the graduate work and scholarship of proponent; strict compliance with the deadlines.
2. The submission deadline is 31 March, 2006, for sending the abstract (between 50 and 500 words, with title, author's name, mailing and e-mail addresses), and 30 April, 2006, for submitting the final, revised version of papers. Abstracts and papers received after these respective dates will not be considered. Only papers actually read at the Symposium will be considered for publication in the Proceedings.
3. All abstracts and papers must be submitted in one of the five languages of the Symposium: Portuguese, Spanish, German, English or French.
4. Contributed papers should not exceed 12 pages, including footnotes and bibliography, with abstract, and should be word processed in Word or RTF format, font Times Roman 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm.
5. All submitted abstracts and papers must be solely sent as attachment by email to the following email addresses below, according to their respective author-related theme or topic:
I - Papers on Heidegger:
Prof. André Duarte, Prof. Robson Reis
II - Papers on Levinas:
Prof. Ricardo Timm de Souza, Prof. Evaldo Kuiava,
Prof. Pergentino Pivatto
III - Papers on Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre,
Gadamer, phenomenology up to the 50s:
Prof. Jairo Silva, Prof. Zeljko Loparic, Prof. Ernildo Stein
IV - Papers on Ricoeur, Foucault, Derrida, and others:
Prof. Nythamar de Oliveira, Prof. Claudia Drucker,
Prof. Draiton de Souza
nythamar@yahoo.com, cdrucker@cfh.ufsc.br,
6. Submitted papers which do not comply with these guidelines will not be considered. Those whose proposals have been accepted will be informed by email.
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© Antonio Zirión Quijano, 1999-2009.