This is an open call for a special issue (June 2002) of the journal Inter/Sections: the Journal of Global Communications and Culture. The topic of the special issue is entitled,
"Phenomenological and Hermeneutic Contributions to the Study of Global Communication and Culture"
Guest Editor
Dr. Charlton McIlwain
Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow
New York University
Department of Culture and Communication
The contributions of philosophy-based methods of social scientific research, namely phenomenology and hermeneutics, are not given broad attention in the mainstream literature of communication.
However, these epistemological approaches, in opening up the legitimate field of inquiry to all forms of cultural expression, that is, anything given to conscious awareness, offer much in helping us understand a wide-array of communicative phenomena. These approaches have been particularly useful in the study of the essential constituents of culture as well as the emerging expression of global communication and the various ways in which human meaning is constructed.
Given this, the objectives of this special issue are three-fold: 1). To show how these approaches have contributed to our understanding of what culture is and its relationship with communication; 2). To compare this approach to other epistemological approaches in their acquisition of knowledge about culture and communication; and 3). To demonstrate how these approaches have been applied to the study of certain forms of cultural expression.
This issue will focus on a broad variety of questions within this domain. For instance: What do phenomenologists and hermenuticians do and how does their use of these approaches help us understand what culture is, how it is formed, and the nature of cultural variability? How do these approaches treat communication in their conception of culture and what do they offer regarding the possibility of "global communication"? What distinguishes these approaches from other epistemological approaches in their ontological perspective, methodological practice and conclusions regarding the study of culture and communication? Finally, how have these approaches been applied so as to broaden our understanding of these concepts?
Given this description, this is a call for:
1. Papers which pertain to the objectives of the special issue. Papers should be between 6,000- 8,000 words.
2. Critical commentaries and reviews or short communications on any subject pertaining to the topic area for the special issue of no more than 2400 words.
**We would like to encourage young and new faculty members, PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows to submit papers, reviews or commentaries.
Those interested in submitting research papers should first submit an extended abstract, of no more than 500 words, by November 1, 2001 to:
Charlton McIlwain, Ph.D.
NYU/Steinhardt School of Education
Dept. of Culture and Communication
26 Washington Place, Pless Annex, Room 552
New York, NY 10003
Abstracts may also be submitted via email to: E-mailed abstracts should be attached in Word 97 format or higher.
Authors whose papers are accepted for publication will be notified by December 15, 2002. Final papers must be submitted by March 15. The editors retain the right to reject papers whose abstracts were previously accepted.
In order to facilitate anonymous reviewing, a title page should be submitted containing: the name(s) of the author(s), with all first names written out; the institution(s) at which the work was carried out, with all author affiliations indicated; the author to whom correspondence is to be sent; telephone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses. Abstracts and manuscripts should not reveal the identity of the author on any page but the title page.
For more information on journal style guidelines for manuscripts, please refer to the Inter/Sections web page at:
Critical commentaries and reviews, or short communications on any subject having to do with the special issue, should not exceed 2400 words and should be submitted by January 15, 2002.
About Inter/Sections
Inter/Sections is the official journal of the Junior Scholars Network
(JSN) of the International Association of Mass Communication Research (IAMCR)
in co-operation with the European Consortium for Communications Researchers
The journal will be published twice a year and provides space for academics,
and especially emerging scholars, who are stepping outside the boundaries
of conventional academic scholarship in culture and communications. Inter/Sections
welcomes new forms of academic/intellectual discourse that do not necessarily
follow established patterns.
Katharine Sarikakis
Communication Culture 7 Media
Coventry University
Priority street, Coventry CV15FB, UK
Antonis Skamnakis
Communication Policy & PR
Technological Institute of W. Macedonia
Fourka, Kastoria Greece
“Comprensión Cultural de Latinoamérica”
l. “Hermenéuticas desde Latinoamérica”
2. “Lo simbólico en la construcción de las subjetividades Latinoamericanas”
3. “Hermenéutica, Genealogía y Fenomenología”
4. “Globalización: Identidad, Diferencia y Diversidad”.
A celebrarse los días 20, 2l y 22 de junio de 2002, en la
ciudad de Xalapa, Veracruz, en el Auditorio de la Unidad de Humanidades
de la Universidad Veracruzana.
Contaremos con la participación de: Dra. Ma. Rosa Palazón Mayoral, Dr. Mauricio Beuchot, Dr. Bolivar Echeverría, Dr. Renato Prada, entre otros.
Inscripciones desde las 5 de la tarde del 19 de junio en la entrada
del Auditorio y a las 9 de la mañana del viernes 20 de junio en
el mismo lugar.
Asistentes: $200.00
Estudiantes $100.0
Informes: Dirección de la Facultad de Filosofía de 17
a 21 Hrs., de lunes a viernes. Tels. 01 (228) 8152412 ó 01 (228)
8152490, con la Lic. Vanesa Salas o el Lic. Félix Aude.
Correo Electrónico del comite organizador (Emma Carreño,
Kinatzin Reyes, Laura S. Mateos)
Con la colaboración de las Facultades de Historia, Pedagogía,
Letras, Sociología, Antropología, Psicología, Instituto
de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas
de la UV.
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© Antonio Zirión Quijano, 1999-2009.