1. The Society for Phenomenology and Media, 8th Annual International
Conference, 23-25 Feb, 2006, San Diego.
2. The Outis Project 4th International Annual Conference on Deception.
23-25 Feb, 2006, San Diego.
3. The Society for Phenomenology and Media invites submissions
for a special issue of Glimpse: Media Phenomena devoted to the theme of
Dear Colleagues:
The Society for Phenomenology and Media will have two conferences in San Diego in February, 2006 (see below). In the past, these conferences have been held in different places at different times. Next year they will be held concurrently. You may apply for either or both. Present and past members of SPM, including those who have participated in past Outis Conferences on Deception, are given preference if abstracts are received by October 1, 2005. The idea for 2006 is to limit participation to 35, if possible. Therefore, members should note the early deadline. The at-large deadline is October 15, 2005 for both conferences.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. When we hear from you, we will furnish details.
In addition, the society is changing its annual publication, Glimpse: Media Phenomena, to a peer-reviewed journal. A call for papers is listed below. Inquiries concerning Glimpse should be directed to the editor, Stephen Crocker. Outis Conference proceedings will be published in Outis IV, and the SPM Conference Proceedings will be published in Proceedings of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, VIII.
Calls for Papers for both conferences and Glimpse are listed below. Please circulate this call to others in your universities and professional societies and associations.
Best, Prof. Paul Majkut National University Department of Arts and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 USA
1. The Society for Phenomenology and Media, 8th Annual International Conference, 23-25 Feb, 2006, San Diego.
The Society for Phenomenology and Media is accepting abstracts for its
8th annual international conference. Papers dealing with any aspect of
media are considered. Theoretical diversity is encouraged, including analytic
and linguistic analysis, Marxism, phenomenology, pragmatism, post-colonial
theory, and other contemporary approaches. Keynoters in the past have included
Anna-Teresa-Tymienieska, Vivian Sobchack, J. N. Mohanty, Bina Gupta,
Maricio Beauchot, Antonio Zirion, Janina Makota, Arnor Hannibalsson, Barry
Smith, and John Durham Peters. Past conferences have been held in Mexico,
Finland, California, Utah, and Oregon. Inquiries should be addressed
to Gabriella Romani:
2. The Outis Project 4th International Annual Conference on Deception. 23-25 Feb, 2006, San Diego.
The Outis Project Conference on Deception is accepting abstracts for its 4th Annual International Conference. An interdisciplinary conference, papers are published in Outis, the conference journal, and have in the first three years included essays in architecture, art, anthropology, design, film studies, literature, marine biology, media studies, music, philosophy, political science, popular culture, psychoanalysis, psychology, and sociology. Past keynoters have included Maria Golaszewska (Jagiellonian University), Julia Iribarne (Organization of Phenomenological Organizations), and Paul Majkut (National University). Past conferences have been held in Krakow, Buenos Aires, and Helsinki. The title of the conference is taken from the name that Odysseus, held captive in the cave of Polyphemous, gives the Cyclops: Outis ("Nobody"). Inquiries should be addressed to Paul Majkut:
3. CALL FOR PAPERS. The Society for Phenomenology and Media invites submissions for a special issue of Glimpse: Media Phenomena devoted to the theme of sound. Glimpse: Media Phenomena is a peer-reviewed, print journal that addresses mediation as a political and philosophical problem of relations and connections. We invite submissions that examine the way that sound structures the environment and transforms sense. Topics include, but are not restricted to, the phenomenology of sound perception; the history of audio technology; sound and spiritual revelation; sonocytology and the sound of life; the relation between the auditory and other senses; acoustic ecology; the politics of noise and silence; sound poetry; sound in cinema; natural and artificial sound and fidelity in audile reproduction. We invite papers of 5000-7000 words, and shorter notes and comments of between 500 and 2000 words.
Deadline: September 1st, 2005.
Initial queries: Stephen Crocker Editor, Glimpse: Media
Phenomena Department of Sociology Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7 Fax: (709) 737-2075
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